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Addoli ym Mro Cwyfan

Worship in Bro Cwyfan

Yn gorwedd rhwng mor a mynydd, bu ein heglwysi yn lleoedd o addoliad i Dduw ers canrifoedd ar ynys brydferth Môn. Croesawir chi yn gynnes i ymuno a ni yn ein  gwasanaethau a gynhelir drwy'r flwyddyn. Cynhelir ein gwasanaethau yn Gymraeg a Saesneg ond yn bennaf yn ddwyieithog.

Nestled between the sea and the mountains, our community of churches has been worshipping God through the centuries, on the beautiful island of Ynys Môn. We warmly welcome you to join us at one of our services throughout the year. Our services are in English or Welsh but most often bi-lingual.

About us
Weekly Services

Other Services

Use-at-home Service

In addition to the in-church and online Services, you can also use the downloadable use-at-home Service sheets and readings provided by Canon Robert of Bro Seiriol.


Our services are in Welsh or English but most often bi-lingual. You will be warmly welcomed at either, whatever your native language. For details of Service times and locations please contact Emlyn Williams, using the contact details at the bottom of this page.




Upcoming services

For all the latest news and happenings around the Ministry Area and Diocese, please see the Bro Cwyfan Facebook group.

Church Information

Come and join us in our historical and picturesque church buildings, situated throughout the Ministry Area of Bro Cwyfan. You don't need to pre-book - you can simply turn up on the day. We look forward to welcoming you.

Alternative services

Church Services

Ein Heglwysi

Our churches

Our churches

St Michael

LL65 3DP

Holy Trinity

LL65 3PS

Ss Afran, Ieuan and Sanan

LL65 4AA

St Cwyfan

LL63 5YR

St Edern

LL65 3TU

St Machraeth

LL65 4DH

St Mary

LL63 5YL

St Pabo

LL66 0BL

St Maelog

LL63 5SS


Thank you for your interest in the churches in the Bro Cwyfan Ministry Area! For any information (including weddings, church opening times, church services and Welsh language questions) please send an email to or press the button below.

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